SunMate, Pudgee, and Liquid SunMate Foam-In-Place cushion materials are so versatile and unique, they can be used in many applications where specialty foam material is desired.
We have worked with furniture designers, architects, sculptors, industrial designers, engineers, movie prop artists, model makers, tailors, sailors, cyclists and more. People looking for creative, tactile material solutions are intrigued by the unusual feel of Pudgee and the custom mold-ability of Foam-in-Place (FIPS). Our cushions also often fit the bill when the application requires a material that performs well technically under extreme impact, in extreme climates, or has to conform to specific fire codes.
Our customer service reps are happy to answer your questions and help you determine if our materials fit your needs.
No minimum order required. Order a Sample Pack shipped free.
2002 Skin: Surface, Substance and Design exhibit at the Smithsonian Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum, NY
2001 immaterial | ultramaterial exhibition at Harvard Graduate School of Design "Phenomena" group
2000 "Mixer" (media cocoon) LOT-EK installation at Henry Urbach Architecture Gallery
1999 "Woven Inhabitation" Toshiko Mori's installation, Artists Space Gallery, NY
1998 A Pale Soft Plane, Craig Konyk exhibit at Artists Space Gallery, NY
1995 Mutant Materials in Contemporary Design, Museum of Modern Art, NY, Paola Antonelli, curator