Mining & Heavy Equipment Applications

mining shuttle car seating with SunMate and Pudgee

Mining Shuttle Car Seating

SunMate cushions absorb the constant vibration, jolts and impact energy heavy equipment operators experience, improving health conditions and creating a more comfortable work environment. Don't take our word for it though, read the details in the study performed by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH):

NIOSH Study Highlights SunMate's Shock Absorption Capability

mining seat reconstructed with SunMate and Pudgee impact and vibration absorbing cushionsVibrations of different frequencies cause pain and discomfort in different parts of the body. NIOSH studied different cushion combinations looking for the best solution for minimizing disturbing impacts and vibrations on mining seats, while withstanding the jolting and extreme changes in temperature and humidity endured by mining car operators.

They found that a cushion combination of Extra-Soft SunMate and Pudgee exhibited the durability, low modulus of elasticity, consistent damping, and resistance to changes in temperature performed best in the extreme environments of mining.

Tractor & Heavy Equipment Cushioning

Our cushion materials were made for heavy use and abuse. Anyone who has spent time in the seat of a tractor knows traveling over rough, uneven terrain, for hours at a time, can be hard on a body. A SunMate cushion on a tractor seat will absorb and dissipate up to 90% of the impact energy before it reaches the spine.

We can assist you in selecting the correct SunMate thickness and pressure quality for your weight, so the cushion won't bottom-out under sitting pressure. A waterproof slipcover or coating provides additional protection and long-life to the cushion and may be ordered separately.

Add a layer of Pudgee for cooling and vibration energy absorption, and you may never want to come out of the field!

SunMate cushioning for tractor and heavy equipment seating